Monday 20 May 2013


I have been taking part in Fat Mum Slim's 'A Photo A Day Challenge' which has been really interesting. It's amazing how differently people interpret the prompts and each one really makes you think about what you want to take a picture of.

 Morning Ritual

Several cups of coffee, toast and jam, and networking sites are a must every morning!
This Is Really Good

I have several ring clamps, but this is my favourite. Fantastic tool...just wish they made a wider version cos I do like to make chunky rings :)

What's In My Cup

The handle fell off one of my favourite cups...luckily not when it was full of coffee! Waste-not-want-not I always say, so now it is a handy brush, probe and tweezer holder!


Too many ideas to remember so they have to go somewhere 


My dividers....surprising how little you realise you use something until it's broken 

Something beginning with 'F'

My essential piece of kit 

If you'd like to see more of the challenge pics check out Cybersilver Jewellery Designs


  1. Welcome to the blog world, It's looking fantastic so far, good luck

    1. Thanks a lot's been a massive learning curve for me. Now to try and make interesting blogs XXX
